**Admin Web Log** To-do list (moved from main page): - [x] Make sidebar done for now - [x] Get background also add pic - [ ] Put pic on main - [ ] Webamp? - [ ] guestbook? - [ ] web counter? - [ ] Some gifs - [ ] Some pics - [ ] Subpages< - [ ] Characters? - [x] Move to-do list to admin log - [x] Put front-page text in border? in transparent white box done but needs work 2023-2-12: === Put the update section in a box but now it extends horizontally too much, needs fixing Made a basic music list page Should probably fix the journal css, if I keep it as md 2023-2-11: again === Uploaded *for real* this time after the outage 2023-02-10: log created === Low-frills update log (just updates?) created, to-do moved to here